I’ve got no idea who lovely Howard is but if he means it’s the tastiest dish you can make super cheaply from leftovers then he’s absolutely spot on. This isn’t a fancy dish by any means – in fact, Google tells me that the food writer Howard Hillman classes it as one of the “great peasant dishes of the world”.

I make my own version now and it’s one of those tastes that remind me of my childhood, my Dad specifically which makes me enjoy it even more. We had it every Boxing day using our Christmas Dinner leftovers and at least once a month using Sunday Dinner leftovers often served with a poached egg on top and some slices of cold meat with it. Traditional Bubble and Squeak is made from cooked potatoes and cabbage, mixed together and fried but my Dad used to make his with whatever leftover vegetables we had on the day. At this time of year, the one recipe that should be at the top of your must-cook list should absolutely be this traditional Bubble and Squeak recipe!